Dear all the dads in the world,
Let's start off by saying thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for us since the day we were born. For all the times we needed a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, someone to make us laugh, and pick us back up. Thanks for the endless hours you spent making sure we slept well, and all the sacrifices you made to make sure we were living the best possible life we could live. Thanks for the endless support and encouragement you give us on the daily.
Dads make it possible for us to wake up and have no worries every day, they love us unconditionally and also give us tough love.
Thanks for answering our phone calls when there was a light that went off on our dashboard and we had no clue what it meant, or when we had a flat tire, or when we lost our keys, or just to listen to us talk endlessly about how college classes suck. Thanks for always saying it'll all be OK, laughing, or cracking a lame dad joke.
Have you ever thought about the fact that not everyone in the world is blessed enough to have a father. Some people have never met their father, and others lost their father too soon. So on this Father's Day, don't only thank your father everything he has done for you, but also thank god for blessing you with a father. If your dad has passed away recently, I don't think I can say that I know what you're going through, its an unavoidable and unimaginable pain. Although I'm sure those dads are looking down on you from heaven on this day, and smiling. A dad's love and protection is endless.
Don't forget to say thanks to those who are dads by heart and not by blood. To those who may have filled the void of a father for kids all over the world. To the men who have stepped up to be someone who is always there for the kids who need it.
Remember to not take your dad for granted, remember that there is no one in this world who can replace him, and no one in the world who could possibly love you more than a dad could. Don't just take Fathers Day out of 365 days of the year to say I love you, or spend time with your dad. Spend time with him every chance you get, because you probably don't know how much that means to him.
We probably never say it enough, but thanks dad. Thanks for all you do, and I only hope that I can be even half as good to my kids as you are to me. There aren't words to accurately define a father, they're indescribable.
I would like to personally thank my dad for everything he has done for me over the years. From carrying me though the night every night for two years to teaching me all about sports to always supporting me no matter what. Dad, you've given me the best life that I could possibly ask for. You've gone against all odds to make sure Mom, Aryan, and I were happy and well. I have never had to ask you for anything because you have given me everything I wanted before I even got a chance to ask. There are not words to say how grateful I am for how hard you work for us. I don't know what I would ever do without you. Happy Fathers Day dad, love you forever and always.