Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being back on campus. My in-person classes here at MSU are awesome. My professors know exactly what they're doing, and they're doing a great job with enforcing social distancing and mask-wearing. My online classes, however, they're a mess.
I've always loved school and learning, but these online classes are seriously making me consider dropping out. Assignments forget to be posted or graded, due dates are changed, modules are posted in the wrong order, the list goes on and on. I can't tell you how many online assignments I've almost missed because of inconsistent due dates.
Not only are due dates wrong, but some material doesn't even get posted. I've taken multiple quizzes and a test on material that wasn't on a PowerPoint, in a module, or in our textbook. I don't understand how they expect me to take a test without knowing the material on the test? I've been trying to go easy on my professors as this is a difficult semester to navigate, but we're weeks into the semester.
As students, we're having to get accustomed to this "new normal", too. It makes it even more difficult to get accustomed whenever even professors don't know what they're doing.