If you have ever wondered why arts are an important aspect of a child's schooling, look no further. As someone who basically devoted all of her middle school and high school career to band, theater and chorus, I can already tell you I wouldn't be the same without it.
Studies show that students exposed to drama, music and dance are more proficient at reading, writing and math. Many school districts will plan on getting rid of the arts, then see this fact alone and re-think that idea completely.
Arts education has been proven many times to improve literacy skills. Which, in turn, when you think about it, makes sense. For students involved in these arts programs they may either have to read music or scripts in a completely different language than their own. Whether it be Shakespeare or Latin, it will make a difference for them in the long run.
The arts helps students improve visual analysis skills, meaning that the arts stimulates them visually and helps them understand what is going on in their surroundings.
Many people only consider the students to be a concern when talking about arts in education; however, it affects the teachers as well. Not only have students test grades been proven to be higher, but teachers are happier.
Many parents/guardians would consider this a plus because who wants to send their child to a school where the teachers are miserable anyway?
A study from the Center for Arts Education in 2009 reported that arts education could improve graduation rates. Many at-risk students cite arts as their reason for staying in school. Participation in the arts can also have an impact on delinquency and truancy.
John Hopkins researchers found that arts education can help rewire the brain in a positive way. The aspects of training motor control, attention and motivation were studied. In this four-year study, students seemed to have changes in their brain that helped them apply these motor skills to similar areas.
Another study found that students involved in a certain arts program were highly attentive to that area while practicing.
So before you decide if arts are a worth while addition for your child, please give these a second thought.