Whether you look at a painting and see the true, deep artistic meaning behind it, or simply see lines on a paper, it still has a means of relieving stress and taking your mind somewhere else for a moment.
I, myself, am a lefty with extremely minimal artistic ability. In high school, I excelled in a photography class because I have always loved exploring my creative side, yet when it comes to putting pencil to paper, there tends to be a disconnect. However, I never let my disconnect transpire into a hatred for all things art.
One morning I was feeling adventurous and hopped on a train into New York City with one destination in mind: The Museum of Modern Art. It was one of those beautiful weather days where you could feel the winter letting go and the spring fighting through.
Each floor of the MOMA offers a different experience for each viewer, including famous works of art like The Starry Night. As I traveled up each escalator to view the different sculptures and paintings, I tuned the troubles of my mind out and even forgot I was in the bustling city of Manhattan for a moment. Like a song, a work of art can take you back to a memory, person or place that is preserved in time. Most people easily appreciate music, whether they are the next Alicia Keys or not, so why not do the same for art?
Life happens and stressful situations are always around the corner: just look at your syllabus to see that your finals are all within a couple of weeks. I say give art a chance. Galleries and exhibits are all over. There is a true escape when your eyes take a gander at a portrait that is trying to speak to you, and the best part is, you get to determine what it is saying.
"Art is the only way to run away without leaving home."
- Twyla Tharp