Artist are bizarre creatures of their own methods. And sometimes it isn't hard to spot them. If you create your art outside of the palette then you may relate.
1. What's a paint shirt?
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Every artist has a particular shirt they paint on then again most paint somehow doesn't end up on the shirt at al. Artist seem to have paint all over themselves and in the weirdest places.
2. Paint palette... smaint palette
Why waste money on a palette when anything around you can be used as one. Even sometimes ourselves.
3. There are no such thing as happy clouds and calm trees.
Art is full of passion and intensity as we are throwing brush strokes one way or blenders another. Nothing is as calm as it seems. Especially if you see the aftermath.
4. Our methods are anything but normal.
Art you see from artist everywhere, someone out of the group has an unorthodox method that seems to draw the most interest.
5. Loaded up on some drug...
Whether its medication to mellow us or drugs to give us new looks on how we se something, we can promise we are normal people. We are just a little overflowing with creativity.
Nothing has limited us before in life and nobody will stop us. If your artist friend is covered in their medium, just high five the less dirty hand and just watch the magic happen.