What distinguishes the difference between entertainment and an art form? This is a question that has bemused many since the existence of theatre, and with the development and creation of cinema the line between entertainment and art has become even more complex to distinguish.
Shakespeare for example is often credited as not only a writer with unanimous respect but is also depicted as an artist; a creator of theatrical masterpieces that evoke the most complex of emotions from its audience members. Would we really distinguish the likes of James Cameron or even Quentin Tarantino, (both whom are great writers in their own respect) as artists though? Probably not.
So what truly distinguishes "artists" from just writers?
I believe what distinguishes Artists from writers is that writing is more respected than art is. In order to write the next big blockbuster, or the next big novel that could turn into a major blockbuster film series like the Chronicles of Narnia, and the Harry Potter series. You have to know what you're talking about to be a great writer. You have to have a great story line, and have people absorbed into your writing as much as possible, or you might just lose them when you kill off the most major character in the entire series, and it just becomes dead, pretty much.
In order to do art, you have to know what projects you are going to do next, and stick with it. With being an Art student as myself, I have many deadlines and projects due in a 2-2 1/2 week time frame in order for it to be critiqued and to be shown to the public for admiration and interest purposes. With it being said, many people think that you have to a be a Leanardo Da Vinci or even Vincent Van Gogh to create a wonderful work of Art. No, you don't have to do that. If you come up to me and say your art is like any of the world's most famous Artists, I'm going to think you're lying, and you aren't going to be as good as them. Yes, in some cases maybe you are in some aspects, but you will never be a Leonardo, Vincent Van, or even a Pablo Picasso. Why, you may ask? Because there is really no better Artist than yourself. If you compare yourself, you aren't going to make it in the art world.
In reality, though, you are your own Artist. Create what you want to make, don't compare yourself, or else I will ask you personally to show me your work, and I will debate whether or not it is good enough like theirs, or you're just a wannabe.