I've always considered art to be an extension of its creator. To me, art has always been a concept, but it has always been a concept perpetuated by people. A manifestation of their views on the world, of their thoughts, a means to express. It's important that we understand this because art can never be and should never be a separate entity.
Often, the poems I have written have been a portrayal of my innermost thoughts, and with artists of our time, it is the same. Whether it is a song, a movie or a book, all these art forms are representative of their respective creators.
So, what I'm trying to say is that the art and the artist can never be separated, something most of us are guilty of saying one time or another. 'Oh, I don't like or support the views by the artist, but I love the art. I've learned to separate the artist from the art'
Before understanding why this statement is wrong, it's important to understand a few things. The first is the use of art as a medium of propaganda. Art has been one of the earliest forms of propaganda. Hitler used it best, using paintings, movie, and radios to demean Jews. Stalin used it to build the spirit of communism and to spread fear among his Soviet citizens. Art has always been used to influence the opinions of people, to make them think in a certain way, to evolve certain reactions and thought processes from them.
The second thing is the power that artists possess as a result of their art. Dictators in history have always controlled the art because they are aware of art and the media as a means of controlling how the public thinks about you. The power hierarchy in society exists with artists at the top. In today's democratic world, the people commanding the influence of the majority are those that are the most powerful. And artists, with art as their means, exert a large influence over people, commanding respect and shaping opinions.
These two things are central to why we cannot separate an artist from their art. When you support the art, you are spreading and subscribing to the views of the artist, because these views are present in the art. And this is problematic when an artist's views are racist in nature, misogynistic or ostracise a certain part of society. When you say you love the art, in a way you are indirectly saying 'Its okay if the artist has problematic views as long as they have good art that I enjoy' and by this, you are justifying something that isn't good, something that should not be justified.
When an artist is problematic, and you know it, by supporting them, by purchasing their merchandise you are allowing them to survive. You are allowing them to continue creating more similar art that propagates and spreads similar views. However, in most cases, we may not be aware of the artist and their views.
There's a simple solution, read. Know everything about who you're listening to, pay close attention to what you're watching. That way, you can take steps toward change, toward not being an instrument to the propagation of certain views.
Art is a powerful medium, it's important that you understand this and take responsibility for your actions during the interaction with this medium.