It's the most beautiful feeling ever felt. A feeling that can vary from having butterflies in your belly or simply one that lets your cheeks speak for itself or your smile while you daydream while in bio class.
It's there and you know it -- so you want the whole world to know it and because you know it feels like a never ending taste of what happiness is defined as -- the one that allows two souls to lock together and become one. Better yet, the feeling that gives life new colors and a new meaning.
A feeling that let's you to new adventures and one where you can go hands in hands with while watching a sunset or a picnic at the park or just finding silence in your loved one when you most need it. It's the little things that make it count and they sure do -- especially when that feeling can be felt from miles away and spotted in your facial expressions each and every time you walk side by side with your head leaning against his or her arm.
The one that let's you walk for hours and make it feel like only seconds because it feels just that right -- and because you know walking together will let you to discover places. Or one in which you experience long drives with in which you swore you'd enjoy the different sceneries around but instead you find yourself mesmerized while appreciating the one by your side. The one that makes you okay when you're feeling down because you know it's your safe home.
Or better yet, arguing nonstop for 10 minutes just to realize that everything said and done was worthless because neither one of you are willing to give up on each other and make up sooner than the argument reaches to an end.
That's the art of love. Sacrificing for what you know and feels worth fighting for. Forgiving after realizing we're all humans. The art of which only you know, makes you feel unlike any other-- and the one you waited almost a lifetime. The only art that allows you to know someone better than you know yourself and still feel like everyday is an adventure day. That's the art of love, being loved on a two way street while adventuring on the journey of a lifetime.