So lately some may have seen the more controversial photographs up in the cases on the second floor of age. Many first year students have been unhappy or even triggered by these pictures especially the most recent ones of self-harm and domestic violence.
It's okay to be upset by these.
What's not okay is calling for censorship of these photographs. These are student artworks where they are given topics like brave art and for them, those are brave because many issues like self-harm and being assaulted in some way are very tough issues to talk about let alone make an artistic choice about. They, nor Ball State or the School of Art, is promoting either of those or beautifying those situations. Calling for censorship is not what's needed. What we as students need to do is talk about these tough topics. It sucks. I know from experience but they need to be talked about or it'll continue to be an untouchable subject.
College is the place to be open-minded, there should not have to be trigger warning signs up in a public place. Professors and students alike should not be made to feel bad about the artwork displayed. It takes a lot of courage for students to make that kind of work.
I've also seen some of the less clothed pictures also being discussed if you will. I've seen a lot of arguments of small children (under 12 years of age) walking through the building. Well, that also should not be censored. Parents know it is the art and journalism building. I'm not saying it's okay to expose children to that but this is a college campus. As a future educator (specifically art) I will not expose my students to that but we can't control what is put up. The professor is not going to pick and choose what they will put up because they can't do that.
We are adults here, I know we all are. I just ask those who seem to be attacking the School of Art to please stop. Yes, you probably don't want to see some of that stuff and I don't either but it is the art building so we're going to have to be adults about it and either not look or express our views in adult ways so they're expressed clearly. There's nothing wrong with disliking something but to say you dislike it without giving a reason other than the subject matter is not really expressing clearly why you dislike it.
We are not insensitive about touchy subjects. We try to portray them in real settings to bring them up.