Maybe this is an overstated point, but it still remains to be believed by the majority of people. I am an art major. I am not an art major because it’s easy. In fact, sometimes I think I’m an art major because it’s challenging. Consistently I’m forced to try new things and look at how my work affects others and still manages to put itself within the art world. I’ve heard it before “Oh you’re an art major because it’s easy” or “I wish I could draw all day like you.”
To start, it absolutely is not easy. I’ve spent week’s worth of hours on a singular project before, and by week’s worth I mean all 188 hours in a week. Time is not something that measures the worth of a project, however I can spend over 100 hours on something and it still not be finished. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but thinking everyone can do art does not in fact mean everyone can.
Many people think art is looking at the world and capturing it in a painting, drawing or a photograph, but it’s more than that. Art is the shapes and the perceptual gimmicks the world throws in everyone’s face every minute of the day. These things change consistently depending on the lighting or even the time of day. In an instant, something does not look the same as it did five minutes ago. Observing the world is not as simple as staring at it. Sure staring at the world gives you a head start on understanding the crazy perspectives that honestly sometimes never make sense. Perspective is certainly not easy, and I am honestly still amazed that Renaissance art does so well. Photography is a whole different subject about it not being as easy as it looks because capturing an image is so, so much more than simply pointing a camera and clicking the shutter. I hate to be the bearer of more bad news, but taking an art photograph is not something you learn how to do from Pinterest or a DIY website. Taking a photograph is spending hours editing one singular spot in the photograph, and knowing the different apertures (though sometimes I still get confused by them). It’s not easy. It isn’t “drawing all day.” Art is work. Art is hard. Art is fun and wonderfully fullfilling.
Art takes an immense amount of time, and I personally enjoy every minute (even if I do complain occasionally). One single hour can completely change a piece just by giving your painting a pair of eyes and trust me that one really does change it. Time is not the measurement for artwork, but putting your heart into something you love certainly gives the work a start.
I am an art major because I love it. So I’ll thank you if you think before saying “you’re an art major because it’s easy” ever again.