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20 Art Journal Prompts for April

Writer's block for artist solved!

20 Art Journal Prompts for April

Artist's block isn't as commonly used as writer's block, but it happens all the same. When that happens, artists turn to journal prompts to get their inspiration flowing and put something down on the paper. Sometimes, this means challenging themselves to draw something every day in a month, like during Inktober. Other times, it means drawing something specific during a set time, like making mermaids in Mermay. When all else fails, artists turn to art journal prompts to get them out of their comfort zone.

Here are my favorite art journal prompts I have found over the years.

1. Inspirational Quotes


Write down a favorite quote in a fun font and decorate around it.

2. Illustrate a favorite poem


Copy down your favorite poem and add doodles on the edges.

3. Typography practice


Practice your fonts for titles and text.

4. A heart full of loves


Draw a large heart and fill it full with things you love!

5. Magazine collage


Cut up pictures and quotes you like and glue them in.

6. Your map

Paper World Geography Notebook Brochure Pen Map


Create your own map, real or imaginary, that represents something about you.

7. Mood ring colors


Make a piece using only colors to show your mood.

8. Literal pie chart


Make a pie chart and fill it with doodles of all your favorite foods.

9. Doodle dump


Fill a page with as many little doodles as possible.

10. Paint with tea


Drink some tea, and when you're done, paint the page with a pretty picture made from the stain.

11. Pressed flower pages


Pick up flowers and leaves and press them into the pages.

12. Paint swatches


Go to a hardware store and grab your favorite color palettes.

13. Create contrast

Nature Black White Art Man Silhouette Silhouettes


Fill the page with patterns using only black and white.

14. Draw a dream


Just like a dream journal, sketch down what you dreamt the night before.

15. Illustrate the elements


Represent each of the elements with a detailed drawing.

16. Fortune cookie future


Paste in fortune cookie fortunes that impact you, or write some of your own!

17. Illustrate song lyrics

Pianist Music Note Lyrics Instrument Sheet Music


Turn your favorite tunes into a work of art in your journal.

18. Inner goddess



Pretend you're a goddess — draw her.

19. Tape in tea tags


Collect trinkets from places you like, or tags from treats you enjoy.

20. Kiss collage


Make a collage of kisses of all your lipsticks.

Time to crack open a new sketchbook and get to work breaking it in with these brilliant ideas!

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