Recently in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Cultural Council proposed 7.7 million dollars to be put towards arts departments in Massachusetts public schools. This was vetoed by governor Charlie Baker. All over the country there has always been a battle with maintaining enough money to keep fine arts programs afloat. Arts are important to the schooling experience and budget cuts need to stop.
Painting, pottery, orchestra, photography, theatre and choir. These are just some of the classes and activities that could be deeply impacted across the nation. If you, your friend, your sibling, your sibling's friend -- if anyone you know is even slightly interested in any of those things, budget cuts could be detrimental to their growth in those fields.
At the lower grades, such as preschool through third grade, having arts present in school is very beneficial for the children's development. Having the students take part in creating visual art helps their motor skills develop successfully and even discussing art is beneficial. Discussing art helps develop a new vocabulary and to learn colors. Visual learning is also improved by including the arts in schools at this age as well as decision making. It's been proven that art education will strengthen critical thinking and problem solving skills, which are both very important abilities to have.
As the students get older and these skills have already been developed, continuing art education will allow students to utilize the skills they've learned previously and keep up with them. Also, it is important for students to be culturally aware, especially since we live in such a diverse world. Students can learn about other cultures through the music, visual arts, etc.
Once students get to the middle and high school age, the arts becomes an interest and an outlet. In a day filled with textbooks, tests and essays, their art classes could be the break in their day where they get to do something they truly enjoy. This promotes better mental health and lowers the very high stress levels of teenagers.
There are many benefits of art education in schools and the constant budget cuts are doing arts programs no favors. Students need these programs to thrive and the government needs to realize that and stop cutting funding.