People are fascinating creatures. Boys, girls, men, women; we are all intricately difficult to understand. You can think that one person feels one way towards you and then abruptly realize that they actually feel the complete opposite. People are deceiving.
This fact doesn’t make me bitter. I am not making these claims solely because I am “pissed off” at the people in my life who have deceived me. The point I am slowly but surely communicating is that there are so many people in your life and not all of them are worth your time. Yes, it is important to give others the benefit of the doubt, but people are complex. You can think that someone likes you when in reality they couldn’t care less about how you are or how you feel. This is why knowing how to “cut someone off” is vital. Millennials today must master the art of cutting people off because if they don’t then those people will continue to take advantage of you. People will disregard your feelings and if you’re like me, it will hurt. A LOT. And, the pain that stems from them walking all over you will ultimately be too much to handle.
You deserve better.
The famous quote, “The only people you need in your life are the ones that prove they need you in theirs,” is an accurate portrayal of the motto everyone should live by. The only people that should matter to you are the ones that care. If they don’t care then we should simply “cut them off.” It may seem gut-wrenchingly hard, but you don’t need them in your life.
So, take the time to learn more about the art of “cutting people off.”
When they call you, don’t pick up. Don’t pick up and hear what they have to say, let them “blow up” your phone. Don’t give them the satisfaction of hearing your voice. Don’t let them explain themselves, over and over again. You’ve heard it all before.
When they text you, don’t go crazy over whether or not you should answer. Don’t read into what the message means. Don’t over analyze the emoji's. It isn’t worth it.
If you see them, you can acknowledge them with a head nod or a wave, but don’t make conversation. Don’t feel the need to ask them how they are doing. Don’t feel the need to be interested in what is going on in their lives. Even if you still care, act like you don’t. They evidently don’t care about you so it’s not fair. You are worth more than how they are treating you.
If they try to make an effort to make the hardships up to you without a valid apology or a true expression of their sentiments, then “ghost” them. Act like they don't matter to you and ignore them. Take that metaphorical scissor and cut them out of your live. If they truly valued you for all that you are worth, then you would not be in this predicament. You wouldn’t constantly be questioning your relationship with that person. You wouldn’t feel distraught. You wouldn’t be saddened by the stupidly insignificant acts they do that bother you. You wouldn’t feel like the world is ending and you suck. You would feel happy. You would feel content with your life and yourself. The pain people inflict on you wouldn’t blind the perception you have of yourself. You would finally not care and actually be OK. You wouldn’t say you’re OK, but you would actually feel completely and totally OK. So, cut that person off because odds are that they already handed you the scissors.