Art: The expression or application of human creative skills and imagination.
Picture this. A girl who is passionate about math and wants to use her passion to get a stable career and help the nation’s economy. A boy who loves dance and wants to use it to reveal problems within our society through movement. A girl who is driven by the sport of basketball and wants to find a way to get to the professional level to bring the joy of sports to the nation.
Within our divided nation, we need various forms of art more than ever. There is a misconception that art is only inclusive to things like paint, dance and music. But, that is far from the truth. Art is personal to each individual, as is creativity and imagination. Each person has their own art form. It is whatever causes your heart to beat with unstoppable purpose. It is whatever is expressive to you. It is whatever it is you are passionate about, whether that be cooking, singing, a sport, the clothing you wear, travel, writing, math -- anything.
Say that you are passionate about photography. This can be considered a personal art form. Say that you are passionate about math. This can be considered a personal art form. Say that you are passionate about fashion and the outfits you put together every morning. This can be considered a personal art form. Try expanding your mindset and allow yourself to see how different things can be considered art.
We need individuals to harness and dive into their art forms more than ever, so the positivity of our passions can override the division within our nation.
Imagine if more people connected through their various art forms. Would there be more peace? Imagine if more people focused on the passions that made their hearts race. Would our nation be more joyful? Imagine if people put more devotion into their art forms. Would there be life changing innovations?
Go ask someone close to you about something they are passionate about. Then ask yourself the same question. Find common ground from each other’s art forms and use it to connect. We can learn so much from what makes others happy. It is all about finding your own personal art medium. Or, in other words, you use your art form to make an impact on your surroundings.
Passion can be a powerful force that can initiate great impact within our world. And let’s be honest, how special is that? Individuals' own personal art forms are what creates a unique, vibrant society in which ideas can be expressed and discovered freely.
Art is a gift that can reveal vulnerability, drive and passion. So go discover your personal art form, and when you find it, become devoted to it and learn to use it for good to benefit our society. Be open to learning from others and their own unique art forms. The volume spoken from one unified voice as a nation can have great impact and power.