Top 8 Running Jokes on Arrested Development | The Odyssey Online
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The Top 8 Running Jokes On "Arrested Development" That Can't Be Missed Or Forgotten


The Top 8 Running Jokes On "Arrested Development" That Can't Be Missed Or Forgotten

"Arrested Development" is a story-based comedy series that is known for its running jokes, and not only because of their comedic strength. The show has an affinity for keeping jokes fresh and goes to great lengths to create them and keep them going.

"Arrested Development" seems to put jokes over plot. The show's plot seems to be formed, at least in part, around the preservation and creation of these jokes. This possibility and the creativity employed in keeping jokes fresh is partly what makes this show a potential classic.

Jokes are not only restated in a variety of ways and re-contextualized over time, but they often grow and turn into new jokes entirely. Here are 8 of the best "Arrested Development" running jokes in no particular order.

Warning: spoilers.

1. There's always money in the banana stand.

This running joke dies out later on in the series but remains a catchphrase for lovers of the show. This running joke reaches its death and peak in the episode when the banana stand is burned down and that money was literally hidden inside of its walls.

2. Buster's potential Oedipus Complex.

We never know if Buster wants to have sex with Lucille or is just overly attached to her, but at times it is quite ambiguous. Later in the series, it is revealed that Buster simply has a thing for mother-son relationships in a non-sexual way. He just wants someone to be his mother, whether it be Lucille 2 or Herbert Love's wife.

3. Tobias's thinly veiled homosexuality.

At first, we all thought Tobias was asexual who by chance does a lot of "gay things", but in season 4, he does refer to Linsey as his beard. Tobias's thinly veiled homosexuality is escalated further in season 4 when the entire family admits that they call him gay all the time.

4. Her?

This is another running joke that evolved over time. At first, this joke was to question what Ann was doing anywhere (dating George Michael, being in a beauty pageant, dating Gob, etc). Then the joke evolved when it was revealed that Ann's father's church is called the church of the Holy Eternal Rapture, or H.E.R. The joke then takes a change in form when no one can remember her name. When Ann says her name, people just think she is saying "and", and then "yes and" from there.

5. Mr. F.

This was one of the best jokes to be re-contextualized in the series. It starts out being the name of a potential spy. Then it happens to stand for Mentally Retarded Female (which births a series of moments where Michael is oblivious to the fact that the girl he's in love with is mentally challenged). Lastly, it becomes the nickname of Lucille 2's brother, being short for Mr. Fantastic. There's no other reason to give him this nickname than to only keep the non-diegetic Mr. F joke alive. It'd be impressive if the entire Fantastic 4 story arc in the series was created just to keep this one joke alive.

6. Chicken sounds.

No one in the entire Bluth family knows what a chicken sounds like.

7. Gene Parmesan.

For a while, the only funny part of Gene Parmesan's character was Lucille's reaction to his disguises. The joke is taken to the next level when it is discovered that Gene Parmesan wears other outfits because they are a part of his other jobs.

8. Take to the sea!

This joke is part of the larger joke that is Barry Zuckercorn, his horrible advice, and the fact that members of the Bluth family actually take them to heart. "Take to the sea!" leads members of the Bluth family to do just that on multiple occasions to escape the law. This joke usually leads to the joke of Michael wanting to be a Maritime lawyer and the fact that his family makes fun of that every time his Maritime law experience arises.

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