Alright so let's get one thing straight right off the bat: I'm not here to push some sort of political agenda. I'm actually pretty moderate when it comes to my political beliefs, and the thought of discussing politics literally exhausts me –– not because I don't educate myself or respect other's opinions, it's just I know I'm never going to change yours, and you're never going to change mine. But ever since I fell in love with "Arrested Development" last year, and the primary's in full swing, it feels only natural that I write this. Hell, this article fell right into my lap –– there is nothing I love more than funny quotes and Lucille Bluth, and I really can't help that the Republican candidates have given us much more to work with than the Democrats (results at the bottom).
1. “I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.”
2. "Look at what the homosexuals have done."
3. "The problem with climate change is there’s never been a day in the history of the world in which the climate is not changing."
4."If you're worried about criticism, sometimes a diet is the best defense."
5. "It ain't easy being white."
6."A lot of people who go into prison straight and when they come out, they’re gay, so did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question."
7. "I hear the jury's still out on science."
8. "You're not one of those silly men dressed like a woman, are you?"
9."I was trying to kill somebody!"
10. "The point is, you can never be too greedy."
11. "Why should you go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?"
12. "What's Spanish for 'I know you speak English'?"
13. " Oh I forgot we were being 'politically correct'."
14. "The world is on fire. Yes! Your world is on fire, But you know what? Your mommy’s here and everyone’s here to make sure the world you grow up in is better."
15. " The job of a chaplain is to be insensitive to atheists."
16. "They're building a wall to separate the US from the immigrants, which was my idea!"
All in good fun! Happy primary season!
1. Donald Trump, Source:
2. Lucille Bluth, Pilot Episode
3. Ted Cruz, Source:
4. Lucille Bluth, Pier Pressure Episode
5. GOB Bluth/ Franklin Bluth, Forget-Me- Now
6. Ben Carson, Source:
7. GOB Bluth, Good Grief!
8. Barry Zuckercorn, Altar Egos
9. Ben Carson, source:
10. Donald Trump, Source:,
11. Bob Boblaw, Taking A Stand,
12. Lucille Bluth, Taking A Stand
13. GOB Bluth, Taking a Stand
14. Ted Cruz, Source:
15. Ted Cruz, Source:
16. Lucille Bluth