Every Thursday evening, I give three hours of my life to Shonda Rhimes and her hit television shows: "Grey's Anatomy," "Scandal," and "How to Get Away with Murder." It's to the point where my friends don't even ask what I'm doing anymore. Sad, I know.
"Grey's Anatomy" has taught me the most life lessons. I've watched this show on air since junior high and binge watched it over every winter break. I feel as though I'm in Meredith's exclusive friend group. I mean, I've been through it all with them! Throughout each season I've laughed, cried, gone to work on zero sleep because I binge-watched the night before, sworn I would never watch another episode, and watched another episode anyway because I couldn't resist.
Here are eight of the biggest life lessons Grey's Anatomy has taught all of us over and over again.
1. You can get through anything with your person.
2. Thrive on your dreams and independence.
Keep your eyes on the prize.
3. Don't be afraid of love.
4. You are constantly growing as a person.
And anyone who doesn't want to stick around for that isn't worth having.
5. Don't assume you know someone else's struggles.
6. It's ok to be imperfect.
7. You don't need a man to tell you how to live your life.
Yes. Just yes.
8. Don't take life so seriously.
Dancing it out really is a normal thing.
And now I'm crying. Please excuse me while I pour myself a glass of wine and watch this week's episode of "Grey's Anatomy." TGIT!