What chapter are you affiliated with?
I'm a member of Delta Delta Delta.
Where are you from?
I'm from Aledo, TX (Fort Worth area because nobody actually knows where that is).
What are your hobbies?
When I'm not in class or at work (aka always, y'all come visit me at Taziki's), I enjoy hiking, eating between meals, pretending I'm a musician, reading depressing novels, or watching exorbitant amounts of Millionaire Matchmaker, How to Get Away With Murder, or any Food Network show.
Why did you chose Arkansas for school?
My family has a cabin in Southwest Arkansas, and we used to go there every summer growing up. I'd always see older kids at the river in Hogs t-shirts and hats laughing and playing beer pong, and I remember thinking, "When I grow up, I want to be exactly like them." Side note — I'm glad I'm not actually like them because like 70% of them have kids or are married by now, and that sounds absolutely terrible. But I don't regret coming to Arkansas even a little bit.
What is your favorite part about our Greek Life?
My favorite part about Arkansas Greek Life is how close everyone becomes. It's like a community within a community, and everyone is so close to each other that I feel like I have friends all over Fayetteville. It also helps that I always see someone I know through Greek Life when I go out to Dickson, and that makes me feel like I actually have friends, so that's nice too.
When did you realize you had a passion for writing?
I don't know if I'd say I had a passion for writing. Sometimes I say things and people think I'm funny — so I thought writing would be a good way to say funny things that more than just my mom would laugh at and enjoy. Alas, here I am.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
If I could live anywhere, as of right now, it would be Colorado — probably some place like Boulder or Colorado Springs, a smaller city outside of a larger city like Denver. But I don't like cold weather and Colorado is cold all the dang time, so the move there may have to wait.
Describe your perfect date.
My perfect date would include a hike, going to dinner someplace that has nice sushi, and then going to my house to watch a movie and hang out. Basically, I just want to date my dog because spending that amount of time with anyone else sounds exhausting and unnecessary.
Tell us what your most embarrassing moment has been.
My entire life is an embarrassing moment.
How do you feel about the 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon? Did you read the books and watch the movie?
I'm not going to go into detail about the 50 Shades thing. I tried reading the book; I got about 150 pages into it before I had to give up because it just might be the worst piece of literature ever written. The author isn't very talented and if you're not into the whole S&M thing (disclaimer: I'm not), then it just seems like misogyny made into a trilogy that only got popular because of its blatant topic and diluted love story. I didn't go see the movie because I heard it wasn't even as good as the book ... which was terrible. Nothing at all against that lifestyle; I mean you do you, boo boo. But from a literary perspective, not impressed.