Ah, Shonda Rhimes, creator and destroyer of hopes and dreams. But what she can do is write some seriously amazing characters. Derek, Lexie, Bailey, George—I could go on. But there's one character in this show that gets far too much credit, and I think it's time that she's exposed.
Arizona Robbins: Chief of Pediatric and Fetal Surgery, ex-wife to Callie and all around awful human being. Sure, at first she seemed great. I mean, they all do, don't they? She rolled up—literally—on her heelies and into Callie's and most of America's hearts, but I was never won over. Sure, she had that whole spiel about being "a good man in a storm" and yeah, her wedding to Callie was beautiful and all that jazz, but she left for Africa. Let me say that again, Arizona left Callie for Africa. She also told Callie, who was literally at the airport going with her, not to go with her, when the only reason Callie was going in the first place was because Arizona asked her to. And then when they were broken up, Callie got pregnant, and Arizona had the audacity to hold that over her head. Literally, no.
And then this woman did not like Mark Sloan until like basically the end of his life. This is worth mentioning—who doesn't like Mark? But more important than that, Callie loved Mark. Mark was her best friend. If your girlfriend and then wife doesn't want to take the effort to like or get along with your best friend, then they suck. Sorry.
So, then there's the plane crash, because of course, there's the plane crash. And Callie makes the call to save Arizona's life, but it takes away her leg. I understand fully, that's a lie I can never understand in my life—hopefully—what Arizona or Callie went through in this, but I can sympathize. I get that Arizona felt betrayed. I get that Arizona went through an incredibly traumatic experience between the crash and then staying in the woods until they were rescued. I get that Callie did not go through that crash, and that Arizona would clearly not be the same after that. But it's not like Callie went through nothing. Callie went through the plane crash too, just on a different side of it. Callie lost her best friend. She had to watch Mark wake up only to lose him and pray to God he'd wake up from a coma before 30 days were up. Then, Callie had to watch him be taken off of a ventilator and wait for him to pass. Her best friend. The father of her child. And while this happened, Arizona ignored her. She let her deal with that grief and then the guilt of saving Arizona's life, which, fun fact, actually wasn't her idea—it was Alex's. But Callie is just a super good person and took the fall. So once Arizona sort of works through things and gets back to work, you'd think things might be getting back to normal. Just kidding! Arizona cheats on Callie and tells her reasoning is that she didn't lose anything. So if we're keeping score, that's Callie-0 Adulterers-2.
And now we have the friendship of Arizona and April. Seemingly harmless? Arizona wouldn't screw over a friend. She only screws over people she's in love with, you say. Nope. Here we are when April is in need of confiding in a friend and she tells Arizona she's pregnant. And I agree with the blonde devil—April does need to tell Jackson. But April and Jackson have been through so much, especially dealing with pregnancy, it's not hard to see why she's scared. And then she tells Jackson. Arizona tells Jackson this giant secret that could only be OK if April told him.
Literally, the worst.