Over the past year, the Arizona Department of Transportation seems to have developed a new strategy for encouraging safe, distraction-free driving on Arizona freeways. While it is common for state departments of transportation to place electronic signs promoting safety along freeways and highways, Arizona has recently taken their sign game to a new level. Unlike the typical dry, drab, or overly serious freeway safety signs saying things like, "26 FATALITIES SINCE SEPTEMBER –– DRIVE SAFE," the ADOT has started using clever signs that grab drivers' attention while sharing important messages. They often reference popular movies, video games, music, and various holidays and seasons. These signs have had an overwhelmingly positive response from Arizona drivers due to their ability to display important, serious messages about safe driving in entertaining ways. Below are some of the best Arizona freeway signs from the past year and a half. May 2017 bring even better ones.
These Star Wars-themed signs:
This clever play on the lyrics from Adele's "Hello":
These signs that appeared this past Thanksgiving:
This sign that addressed the drinking and driving issue on St. Patrick's Day:
And these that encouraged safe driving on New Year's:
These messages for students returning for spring break last year:
And these signs that are relevant year-round:
Kudos to you, Arizona Department of Transportation! Hoping to see some even better signs this year. If you'd like to, you can vote for your favorite Arizona freeway sign on the Arizona Department of Transportation website here.