I know, I know. "You shouldn't ever skip class!" cry adults everywhere. Education is important. It sets you up for success by teaching you about the world and giving you important skills and lessons. In college, it is often geared towards what will likely become your career in the next stage of your life. But I'm not telling you education is not important. I'm trying to argue that along with education, it is important to prioritize other parts of life as well.
First off, let me say that this article is fully intended for college-aged students. High school or lower - you really shouldn't skip class, that's basically your full-time job at that age. However, you can still take a lesson from this as well, I hope. The argument I am making for skipping class is meant to be taken conditionally. If you are struggling in school, or already have issues making it to class in the first place, please try to go to school and work hard to do well. With those disclaimers aside, allow me to be a "bad influence" now.
The reason I say that it's okay to skip class every once in a while is that, while in college, it is important to remember that you are truly beginning your adult life. It is essential to try new things, be social, and live life outside of classes to the fullest. It is also pertinent that, for many, college is a period of your life in which you have the great ability to do things on your own as an adult, without the many responsibilities of being a full-blown adult. Many college students don't need to worry about full-time jobs, providing for a family, or paying loads of bills. This isn't to say college students have no responsibilities and no expenditures (shout out to my fellow broke students with loans looming), it just means that a majority of students have less to worry about while in school then after graduation.
This past weekend, I traveled to Pittsburgh with my friend. We explored the city, visited a museum, relaxed at Point State Park, ate some Pittsburgh staples like Peace, Love, and Little Donuts, and saw what was my favorite concert I've ever been to on Halloween. I did not attend class on Monday or Tuesday because of this trip, and on the way back to school on Tuesday I thought to myself, "This was completely worth it."
It was so because I remembered that life exists outside of class. I frequently hear people say, "You can only be young once," and I have done my best to take that to heart. I may have missed a couple of classes, but I gained a memorable experience, and at the end of the day, that's something that I greatly value. My grades are perfectly fine at this point in time, and I knew I would be able to be responsible enough to catch up on any work that I missed. My trip wasn't just a joyride while playing hooky, it was more. I saw art from the master, Andy Warhol; I experienced an incredible band bless my ears with their music and my eyes with their showmanship (The 1975, they had a Star Wars-themed Halloween concert); I tasted famous foods; I spent time with family members I only see rarely; I had a break from the normal routine that has ruled my life this semester; all of these things help me justify my actions, at the very least to myself.
So what I leave you with today is not a plea to regularly skip class, but to remember to enjoy your life outside of school. You can have other experiences, and can, every once in a while, prioritize them over your schoolwork. Mental health days can factor into this too. Sometimes you really do just need some time to yourself, or to just not be stuck in class. But please, do this all sparingly and only if you can afford to do so. And if someone asks you why - *coughs* it wasn't me who told you.