In case you didn't know, we are nearing what is called the Fiscal Cliff. Simply put, this is when we near the end of the fiscal year and the government has not approved a new budget for the new Fiscal year, which basically means if the two parties don't get their heads out of their butts and work together there is going to be a shutdown of the Federal government. To be honest, they're probably going to bicker until the last minute and then come together to work on this, and then Paul Ryan or some other shit bag politician will say "We came together to work for the good of the country" yeah you fuck wit, thats what you're supposed to do, not get so blinded by party lines that you can only focus on defunding abortion clinics and don't care what Betsy Devos is doing to the future of all those children you "saved", when in fact without quality public education or universal healthcare, these children who would have otherwise never known pain (unless reincarnation is true).
But ANYWAY, I'm getting off track, really what is going on here is that the White House is requesting $1.5 billion from the federal government. Oh for spending? Like security? Oh thats cool. No its for the border wall. This administration is an awful show, the military is effectively quasi-autonomous after that whole MOAB thing, furthermore the Navy and White House apparently aren't communicating as can be seen in the whole Aircraft carrier fiasco, literally no one is on the same page, its ridiculous. But the most ridiculous thing that could happen this week is if the Federal Government gets shut down over a wall Mexico was going to pay for.