Are your worries your comfort?
Some of mine are.
Sometimes, I go over the bullet point list of unresolved relationship endings, unfinished projects around the house, and really big dreams that seem too big late late late at night. I always feel my anxiety rising during moments like this. I find myself wanting a way out of this negative thought cycle, but it's sometimes hard to break out of it when you're inside a familiar prison cell of doubt, fear, and worry.
Are your worries your comfort?
Do you find yourself complaining more about the hard things going on than the good?
Do you find yourself being more of a pessimist than a realist?
Do you think it's easier to hold on to that one hurt from a million years ago because it might be impossible to forgive, move on, let it go?
Do your daily habits or news outlets help you find the positive along with examining the negative in a realistic, not doomsday, mindset? Or not?
Are your worries your comfort?
Jesus wants us to find comfort in Him first. He can comfort us in all things.
He also wants us to conform our minds and hearts to His ways instead of the world's ways.
Jesus did call people out for being hypocrites for not doing what they told others to do. Jesus did lose his cool in a big way ONCE by flipping tables over in the Temple. But most of the time, He drew people in by telling them the truth in bold and creative ways AND by being humble and meek of heart.
He healed, He comforted, and He helped people reflect deeper on the love the Father has for us. He revealed the glory of bringing the kingdom of God to earth so earth would look more like heaven!
Do you believe in God's promises? In Jesus' stories about Our Good Father?
Why don't you believe Him? Why are your worries - your worries?
Do you truly think that worrying will comfort you? Or do they actually secretly destroy the comfort, the peace, the joy we are trying to find?
There are a small number of worries that I consistently find comfort in. No more, I hope!
God, help us all draw closer to You and be able to identify the worries we find comfort in instead of finding comfort in Your promises and faithfulness.
I will learn to worry less by reading the Bible, especially the Gospels, every day.
I will learn to appreciate the good things in my life by bringing my praise to you before I bring my needs (got that idea from a song).
I will be less pessimistic by wrapping up the end of each day by stating (at least) 3 things I'm grateful for in my life.
God you're good! I believe that you will be the source of all my comforts, help my unbelief.