Chakras represent your body in every way but the physical. This body of energy has many different pieces that can be channeled with a variety of techniques. The term aura is used to describe the combination of frequencies that are radiated from each individual chakra in your body. In order to be fully connected to oneself, direct contact with these chakras must be executed. Now, we're going to dive into each chakra.
1. Root Chakra
Starting from the bottom, the first three chakras are seen as physical chakras. They are said to "ground us." The upper three are spiritual and are more connected to wisdom and other pieces of our higher selves. The root chakra is depicted as the lowest chakra at the base of the spine, forming the base for the rest. This chakra is responsible for foundation or security of our entire body. If this chakra is out of balance, it can lead to depression, weight problems, back pain, guilt, and issues involving confidence. An imbalance in the foundation leaves us feeling insecure, and our body can physically respond to this.
When it comes to healing, stones that correlate with the color associated with chakras are shown to help, in addition to certain essential oils. The root chakra corresponds to the color red. Crystals that aid in this healing range from Ruby to Fire Agate to Obsidian. In order to use the crystals to heal, they must be placed in your left hand during meditation. This is your receiving hand due to blood flow. Oils that can be used are sandalwood, vetiver, or spikenard. With practice, a balanced root chakra will provide a feeling of safety in your life.
2. Sacral Plexus Chakra
Moving upward, this chakra sits just below the belly button. This chakra directly effects our sexual interactions. It can be known to cause issues involving sex, emotions, power, and commitment. A poorly balanced Sacral Plexus Chakra can lead to abusive relationships and gynecological problems.
Appearing to have an orange color, crystals involved in this healing process include Moonstone, Sunstone, and Carnelian, and oils such as lemon and rosewood. When balanced, this chakra will ensure healthy emotional sexuality and stability.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
Nearing the center, the Solar Plexus Chakra is just above the belly button. This is the energy that is responsible for personality and self-love. When things get imbalanced within this body, fatigue, indigestion, and eating disorders can be experienced, as well as issues involving anger, self-esteem, respect, and honor.
To center things here, Amber, Yellow Tiger's Eye, and Rutilated Quartz are typically used when practicing Reiki. Lavender, Rosemary, and Chamomile are aromas that will center this chakra as well. Centered, one will feel peace and power within.
4. Heart Chakra
At the center of the chest, we begin to reach spiritual territory. The job of this chakra is to balance between the physical and spiritual pieces of an individual. It is the base of how we are able to reach out higher selves. Physical issues rooted in this chakra include heart disease, and high blood pressure, and spiritual problems can include heartache, grief, and breaks in trust.
Emerald and Jade crystals are known to balance this center chakra, and Rose, Lavender, and Ylang Ylang can help center. If this is healthy, one will have a full connection between the upper and lower sets of chakras, which leads to happiness and love.
5. Throat Chakra
Found at the base of the neck, this chakra is associated with our voice. This is not our physical voice, but how we are able to communicate. Without this chakra being in high power, one will have difficulty in self-expression, poor decision making, scoliosis, sore throats, and a stiff neck.
In order to experience a balanced throat chakra, one in which provides the ability to creatively and clearly express ourselves and follow dreams, crystals such as Turquoise, Aquamarine, and Blue Kyanite in addition to oils such as Hyssop and Frankincense should be used in the healing process.
6. Third Eye Chakra
As the base of intuition and wisdom, this chakra can be found at the center of the forehead, between one's eyebrows. Issues revolving around this spiritual chakra include poor emotional intelligence, closed-mindedness, headaches, blurred vision, and even stroke.
Clear Quartz, Star Sapphire, Amethyst, Lavender, and Sandalwood are all used to fully heal this energy. If it is healthy, one will be able to act on intuition and make sound decisions. One will be more aware of everything that occurs beyond the physical world.
7. Crown Chakra
Finally, seen at the top of the head, this chakra provides energy to connect to one's higher self. If we run out of this energy, issues involving ethics and values, spirituality and devotion, exhaustion, and confusion will occur.
A Crown Chakra that is in high energy will result in the knowledge that we exist beyond our physical form. To get to this point, healing using Diamond, Moonstone, and White Topaz helps, as well as Lotus and Peppermint.