Are You Truly Enjoying Your Youth?
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Are You Truly Enjoying Your Youth?

“Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final” ― Rainer Maria Rilke

Are You Truly Enjoying Your Youth?

So what does it mean to really enjoy being young?

Maybe your parents, your older siblings or ANYONE AND EVERYONE older than you keep telling you, “Enjoy being young and not having responsibilities. Enjoy your freedom. Enjoy the fact that school and work is the only thing you really have to worry about!”

For some time I would just brush it off, I really thought I understood what they meant, and in fact, I even believed I was living and enjoying not having so many responsibilities. Although to be quite honest, I feel like school on its own is a full-time job and people don’t acknowledge that as much. It mentally, physically and emotionally drains you and having to work on top of that to pay for books you’re not even sure you’re going to use is stressful. So I could not seem to understand why people claimed it’s not. To me, they feel like SERIOUS responsibilities that affect my future. I may complain from time to time but it doesn’t mean that I wasn’t enjoying being young….

I am going out with friends, I am trying new things and seeing new places. That’s enjoying being young right? It wasn't until I was taking a shower at 1 am after coming home from the gym that I realized the true meaning of being young (yay for late night shower thoughts) and I compared it to the responsibilities and lives of people "older than me"...

Truly enjoying being young means enjoying having the freedom to do anything and everything without the fear of neglecting all my responsibilities. And I really do mean anything. (Something that my parents and others cannot do because they have a family and bills). For example, it’s the freedoms to just go to the gym at 12 a.m. because you don’t have class or work until 1 p.m. It’s the ability to neglect your responsibilities, like leaving or not going to class, because you want to go to the park, the beach, a few raves, formal/clubs, or simply just stay in and watch Netflix because you don’t feel like going. ( just kidding... I don't do that at all). Enjoying being young is having the freedom to quit your job if you want, because you want to focus on school, you don’t like the hours, you don’t like your co-workers, or you just don't want to work anymore. It’s the ability to just hang out with friends all day because you just can… it’s the freedom to do all these things because you don’t have to worry about any major bills (Thanks, Dad and Mom).

Being young means enjoying the freedom and the ability to not know what is going to happen next and just be spontaneous because you can afford to do so. Like visiting a friend at 2 am and spending the night because you both fell asleep talking about life and your problems that probably won’t matter next quarter. Being young also means being able to make mistakes, because you’re still growing as a person. Although one should always be growing, no one expects you to have your life figured out completely just yet. To truly enjoy being young is to really about being yourself without the fear of judgment, because you are allowed to be reckless. You don’t have a family or “real” responsibilities just yet.

So to all the young folks (even if your age does not agree with how you feel)....

Enjoy being YOUNG.

Enjoy being able to be selfish for the time that you have. Allow yourself to grow and try ALWAYS try new things. Be selfish, love and prioritize your needs because you JUST CAN….BUT remember your actions, good or bad, always have consequences, so guard your heart, your spirituality, your health, and your mentality. Realize that other people do need help and you should be able to love yourself, but also care for them. Don’t ever let anyone feel like they have to go through something alone. I’m not saying only care about other people because that’s asking to get hurt, what I mean is be aware that other people need help too, and while you should always care for yourself you should be capable of loving others without losing/overwhelming /sacrificing yourself. YOU ARE IMPORTANT AND YOU ARE WORTH EVERYTHING. Wake up early in the morning and be grateful for all that you have and even what you don’t. Realize how good you actually have it. Everyone is going through different struggles that you should be grateful you will never experience. Enjoy every moment of the day. Be productive, and do useful things. Spend time studying for my exam and writing out your notes because you have the time to do so. Make a beautiful planner, color coded, with inspirational quotes and all sorts of sketches and pictures. Enjoy being able to relax for hours (or even days), take long showers and use that expensive shower gel you got, and after that blast music so you can sing and dance to your favorite music in your room. Dress to impress - yourself. Spend time with your friends, joking with them, laughing with them, talking about your favorite tv shows and movies. Take care of myself and TREAT YO SELF. If you can go watch the sunrise or sunset then go do it, you have the freedom and time to do so. Spend time reading and get lost in the stories of others. Sleep. Or don’t sleep and enjoy not having to need 6-8 hours of sleep…..And if you’re having a bad day know that because you’re young it does not work out today, it’s okay. It’s okay because there are other nights to come and other days to appreciate…..

“Get excited about the little things. About wearing a new outfit for the first time. About Sunday brunches with your best friends. About the new cute guy in your class. About finding an extra dollar in your pocket. About anything that even remotely makes you happy because as you grow up, passions fade and enthusiasm gets mistaken for foolishness. So don’t let the gray world stop you from shining.” -unknown
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