Which Quidditch Position You Should Play Based On Your Chinese Zodiac Sign
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Which Quidditch Position You Should Play Based On Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

Are you a seeker like Harry or a keeper like Ron?

Which Quidditch Position You Should Play Based On Your Chinese Zodiac Sign
Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, still

In the magical world of Harry Potter, everyone is passionate about Quidditch teams, players, and games. The matches are played by teams of seven participants including seekers, beaters, keepers, and chasers. The insights about your personality provided by the Chinese Zodiac will easily determine which position you would excel at!

Rat: Seeker

Notable Seekers: Harry Potter, Viktor Krum, Draco Malfoy

Despite the negative connotations surrounding rats in western culture, the Chinese Zodiac rat is a leader, winner, and known for being aware and alert, perfect for a seeker!

Ox: Beater

Notable Beaters: Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Gwenog Jones

Oxen are protective of their own, strong, determined, and persistent. Beaters are important guardians of their teammates, fending off bludgers and wielding weapon-like bats. Strength and integrity are necessary to be a great beater, and honest ox fits the bill!

Tiger: Beater

Notable Beaters: Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Gwenog Jones

Tigers are brave, and you'd have to be brave to face a bludger! Their forceful nature and commanding personality make them great at beating down the other team. Despite being natural winners, tigers have no need to score points to feel successful, because they are aware of their worth, importance, and great contributions already.

Rabbit: Keeper

Notable Keepers: Oliver Wood, Ron Weasley

Rabbits are considered the kindness, most gentle of the Chinese Zodiac, making it difficult to imagine them on a Quidditch team at all! However, their helpful inclination and dedication to their friends makes them a great Keeper! They can defend without having to hurt a fly.

Dragon: Seeker

Notable Seekers: Harry Potter, Viktor Krum, Draco Malfoy

Dragons, due to their impeccable work ethic and powerful aura, could be successful in any role on a Quidditch team. The keen, authoritative eye that those born under the Dragon naturally possess makes them a great Seeker.

Snake: Beater

Notable Beaters: Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Gwenog Jones

Snakes may be seen as deceptive, but truly they are clever and humorous, just like a certain pair of twins. Their dynamic, fun-loving personality is great for a Beater, who is involved in schemes to knock the opposition out of the air.

Horse: Chaser

Notable Chasers: James Potter, Ginny Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell

Horses are great chasers not only for their speed and dynamism, but also because of the enormous well of energy characteristic of them. Their team-spirit and wild tendencies help them to be successful all over the field.

Ram: Chaser

Notable Chasers: James Potter, Ginny Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell

Rams may seem soft-spoken and polite, but once they mount their brooms, their ability to outrace the competition becomes apparent! Chasers need to be quick and face the competition head-on, something rams have no trouble with! Never will a ram back down or loose their ground.

Monkey: Seeker

Notable Seekers: Harry Potter, Viktor Krum, Draco Malfoy

Monkeys are lively, versatile, and great at dodging bludgers! Their speed and ability to weave in and out among other players is what makes them perfect seekers! However, Monkeys can be easily distracted, so be diligent and don't forget your goal!

Rooster: Chaser

Notable Chasers: James Potter, Ginny Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell

Roosters are bright, honest, and ambitious. Their urge to succeed is what drives them to play as chaser, scoring points and taking names.

Dog: Keeper

Notable Keepers: Oliver Wood, Ron Weasley

Dogs are known for their loyalty, responsibility, and courage, all three great aspects key to a successful Keeper. While they may start out on unsure feet, with practice their natural athleticism shines through, and the Dog Keeper will save the day!

Pig: Keeper

Notable Keepers: Oliver Wood, Ron Weasley

The Pig is gentle, honest, and loyal. However, when it comes to competition their tenacity sets them apart. They may not want to rush around the field, but defending their own is no problem for the wild boar!

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