Sometimes it is difficult to remember whose lives we are really living. Who are we and what do we really want; that is a question that we may never really have an answer to.I have struggled to remember that my life is dictated by my own thoughts and choices. I am the one who will live my life.
I wrote this poem a few weeks back as a little love note to myself. I wrote with the thought in mind that my circumstances are my own and that I am the only one who can change them. I found myself wanting more from the world and not knowing what "more" was. Our lives will pass us by if we do not live them to their fullest. It is important to think about who we're with, what we're doing and whether what we're doing is making us happy. I found myself thinking about why I felt dissatisfied and I began to blame other situations, but I took a step back for a moment and remembered that I am the only one who can change anything. I hope this poem can remind you of the same:
You're watching from the sidelines, dear
Why is that
When I see in your eyes
That you want the umpire to call you out there?
Well let me tell you something
Something you've known for awhile but have decided to ignore
There is NO UMPIRE
There are NO OTHER PLAYERS in the field stopping you
Perhaps with capital letters you can remember this
But as much as I love you I know that you will forget
I will continue, though
It's you
It's only YOU
And you need to understand that
Yeah, maybe the players have sneering faces
And things to say
But you're the only one who can do anything to begin with.
So get up
You're watching from the sidelines, dear.