There are some characters on TV that we just connect with; we notice how they act, say, or do something, and we think to ourselves, "Wow. That's totally me."
You see, I have this theory: I think that everyone and I mean everyone can all relate to Nick Miller from New Girl in some way. To see if this is a true statement, take a look at my list and see if your alter ego is Nick Miller.
You tell yourself, "I can do that too," to possible dangerous situations.
No thanks, please stop.
You'd rather not be professional.
I mean who wants responsibility? Pshhh.
When things aren't going your way, you don't exactly take the high road.
You love to bring up controversial topics.
I'm team Nick on that one.
Emotions? Nope, don't like those.
No amount of Nicholas Sparks movies will make you shed tears; you won't let it.
You don't like trying new foods.
You set fashion trends wherever you go.
You just do.
You are a big, BIG fan of food.
Specifically the messy kind where you look like an idiot when you try to eat it. Burgers, burritos... need I say more?
You claim you don't dance, but deep down inside, you know that's not true.
...You're just a natural at it! also may be a little showy, but hey. You've got charisma.
You might even incorporate the chicken dance into your dance routine every now and then.
It's okay, this is a no judgement zone.
You are quite smooth.
And finally, you have one of a kind comebacks.
If you said to yourself, "Wow. I do that," to at least one of these examples, congrats!
What are you awarded? Well, nothing. However, you have now confirmed my theory that everyone can relate to Nick Miller in some way. He's not the most driven guy in the world, but he's got charm!