Summer has arrived, and I bet we can all release a sigh of relief. The school year is over for some, or coming to a close for most. Every summer I promise myself that I'm going to do better and be better. I make promises to get in shape, or to do a project that I've been meaning to finish. In reality, I spend my summers working or sleeping-in. However, summer can be anything we make of it. It can be an incredible few months for you to do the things you promised yourself you would do. There's no better time than the present to make your dreams a reality. Do what you want to do. You have the freedom and the time -- make the most of it. Here are a few ideas on how to better yourself this summer. Can you challenge yourself to be better?
Do something for someone else
There are so many opportunities to do something for someone else. Think about ways to improve your neighborhood or other areas around you. Does your neighbor need help with her garden? Does that intercity school need books more than your basement? How many homeless people can you help with just $10? There are countless ways to help out your community. If you have the extra time, use it. Volunteer or create your own ways to help.
Get in shape
When I say get in shape I do not mean to strive to look like a Victoria's Secret model. While they are beautiful people, every individual has their own versions of getting in shape. Maybe get a gym membership or walk around your block. You can even start your own club league for whatever sport you enjoy playing. As long as you're doing it in a healthy way, try to be as physically fit as you want to be.
Eat right
By eating right, I mean skip the extra serving of pie and maybe go for an apple. Provide nutrients and vitamins to your body instead of an excess of sugar and salt. Try making a healthy home cooked meal for your family. Eat when you are hungry; not just when you're bored.
Try something new
What is one thing that you have been telling yourself that you will do when you have the time? Well, the time is now. Do that one thing that will make you happy. Do you want to go skydiving? Do you want to eat at that new restaurant that just opened? Whatever it may be, do it.
Learn something
Who says you have to stop learning because it's the summer? You can take an extra class to ease up your course load later or you can learn how to bake a cake from scratch. Learning a new skill, a new fact about your friend, or even a new language is a great way to spend your summer. Find something you love learning about and become an expert in it. Your mind is waiting for the knowledge you choose to fill it with.
Better your future
The summer is a great time to continue working towards your future. If you find an internship that could help get your future career, then take it. Find a job that relates to what you want to do later in life and learn a few things. If you have no idea what you want to do -- try something different. You might like something you never even thought you would like. Plus, having a little extra spending money never hurt.
Live your life with no should-have-been's or regrets. You have the power to make your life what you want it to be. So what do you say -- do you accept the challenge?