Fans and followers are everywhere. Often times, they are quite noticeable, and the difference between the fan and the follower becomes evident. Often times, these two groups are seen in sports, and most generally are found together. You'll often find the fans are the ones who are just maybe wearing the teams' attire or coming to many of their games. The followers are more distinguished, as they are usually painted in their team's colors and come to every single game.
The same is true with God. He wants us to be followers, not just fans. See, a fan of God is much different than a follower of God. Fans of God will tempt sin, try to see how close to sinning they can get without actually sinning. They're sometimes a Christian at church but at school or work are a completely different person who acts like they don't even know who God is. They'll try to say the right things to the right people. Then there are the followers of God. They are much more noticeable than the fans because they know God, not just know about him. God's followers will often speak and preach His word, no matter the situation and no matter who is near enough to hear. They often times are not comfortable because they are still doing everyhting they can to follow God. That is one of the biggest differences between fans and followers; fans are often comfortable with where they are or with what they have, whereas followers are not comfortable, and are willing to do whatever they can to know Him more.
Now you decide: are you a fan of God or a follower of God?