College student or not, most of us adore our caffeinated beverages. You know, those liquids that keep our eyes peeled like potatoes at night reminding us that we "have to stay awake whether we like it or not" because we chose to drink a ton of caffeine. Every day is the constant debate on if we should drink another cup of that caffeinated drink or not. Tea or coffee though, right? There are characteristics that distinguish a tea drinker from a coffee drinker. It isn't only the places they go to drink the caffeinated beverages like a local coffee shop like Peets (because you can essentially get a variety of coffee and tea products), but it also stems down to the personality characters of that person. In that case, if you are curious if you are a coffee drinker or a tea drinker, or if you are on the borderline of loving both coffee and tea, here is how you can find out which one suits you best.
You are a coffee drinker if...
Recommended for you
a. You become caffeine deficient without it.
You crave your next taste of its richness.
b. You get headaches without it.
You have an addiction. I empathize with you.
b. You drink your drink solely for the caffeine.
There are many people who drink coffee aware that they intentionally want some caffeine in their system. Tea drinkers on the other hand, may drink tea knowing they just want a tasty beverage without caffeine.
c. You are considered the on-the-go type of person.
I always think of the classical New Yorker when I think coffee. There are many people who go into a coffee shop or to a coffee stand on the go needing their morning fix to keep their day functional.
d. You drink your coffee with creamer.
You enjoy your coffee for the aesthetic purposes and you can't really take the full force of a dark coffee yet.
e. Or you prefer enjoy your coffee without creamer.
Then you go hard core.
f. You think out loud!
You have so much caffeine in your body you just have to blurt out your every thought.
g. You know the names of fancy coffee machines.
h. You know the difference between a dark and light roast.
i. You smell like coffee.
You are a tea drinker if...
a. You like your high tea time.
b. You just don't like coffee.
That's okay too.
c. You had fake tea parties as a child and you can now have an excuse to have them as an adult.
d. You like Verba Mates too much to not have them.
e. You don't like caffeine, but you still want a hot beverage to suffice you on a chilly day.
f. You enjoy sipping your warm beverage and listening to someone talk.
You don't have as much caffeine in your system so you have more patience to listen.