What is happening in the lives of your neighbors? What about the homeless person who is known around your town? Has the third-world country you constantly hear about on the news beaten poverty yet? What about women, have they all gained the right to voice their opinions? Or better yet, what are you doing?
These are questions that society is asking on a daily basis. There is no right or wrong answer to any of these. However, there is a lack of compassion for those who are not as privileged as others. In my short time on this planet, I have witnessed both sides of the spectrum in socio-economic statuses. It has brought awareness to the world around me and how lucky I am, even on my worst day. People have it way worse than some of us who think our lives "suck."
I have been raised in an age of “terror,” or so I have been told. There has always been something tragic happening in the world, whether that is a war or just two people having a disagreement, which ends in a fatality. far too soon, but it’s another sick reality of this world. I do not believe the good die young. I believe in circumstances and being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Growing up, my mom always told me to be aware of my surroundings. OK, simple enough. As a child, I took that as looking both ways before you cross the street. As I have grown up, I have learned it means so much more than that. Being aware of the world around you goes deeper than creeping on your neighbor or knowing the latest gossip; it’s about how much you care.
You need to be constantly asking yourself, what are you doing? Have you given back to a greater cause? Have you watched the news? If so, you may have seen something bad happening. What are you going to do about it? Having been at a college the past four years I have witnessed three bomb threats and multiple deaths of people I know and people who my friends know. I always ask myself what can I do to make a difference. It's a loaded question in a way because I cannot change the world, but it cant hurt to try.
It is never easy to get an email from the President of my University regarding someone wanting to hurt others or how another community member lost their life. Whoever said it gets easier as time passes, well, they are full of cow dodo. You get used to things as time passes, but it never gets any easier. So I make sure to be aware of my surroundings by smiling at someone when I walk past them. If I see someone who looks like they’re having a bad day, tell them they’re beautiful.
What about the student who can’t find their wallet in line for coffee? I’ll pay it forward. Or the guy who is over 10 feet in front of you who pauses his walk to hold the door open for you, smile and appreciate the good in the world. Don't say chivalry is dead when maybe you are not noticing it in front of you. Be aware of the positivity in the world and embrace it. If you see someone struggling, go give them a boost. Know of the negativity around you and have the power to try and change it.
Although we can’t end wars or violence with a hug, a little bit of kindness can go a long way. Be aware of how lucky you may be and give recognition to those who live in a four-by-four shack and spent their entire live saving up to build that as their home. Know that the woman who has been silenced, has a voice that should be heard by all. It is a small idea that can go a long way, but if we all are aware of what goes on around us, we can make this world great again, and we wouldn't even need Donald Trump as President.