DISCLAIMER: This article might be convicting. The intentions of this article are not to judge or to offend anyone but to call out the Christians who are not living their lives for Christ yet calling themselves Christians. I am not perfect and this article applies to me sometimes. Living your life for Christ isn't always rainbows and butterflies, but sometimes it's conviction and compromise.
Are you as good as your Twitter bio or Instagram bio? Is God really '#1' in your life? Does that bible verse in your bio represent the tweets you tweet, the pictures you post, or how you live your life in general? Now as you're reading this, answer these questions to yourself. If you answered yes to all of them and you're being honest, good for you! That's awesome! Keep going! But if you're like me and answered no to some or all of those questions, thanks for being honest; keep reading.
Something that I didn't learn right off of the bat of accepting Christ in my life was the understanding that I have to live for Him; all of my actions, words, and thoughts should glorify Him. Is that easy at all? No. Is it worth it? Heck yes.
Anyway, if you answered yes to the questions above and you're a Christian, what is holding you back from living your life like God intended? So many people call themselves Christians and live their lives in a way that doesn't glorify God. Are you the reason Christians have a bad reputation? This may sound harsh, but if you call yourself a Christian and then turn around and act poorly, what does that say about Christians? Especially if your Twitter bio or Instagram bio portrays that you are a Christian.
The only way to fix this is by doing one of two things - first, change your bio and quit portraying to be something you're not acting like. Or second, and the best option, let go of whatever you're doing that's not glorifying God and start living your life for Him.
Obviously, we are all going to make mistakes from time to time but we don't want to intentionally sin and not glorify God. Romans 3:23 says "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."Even when we are Christians and try to live our lives for Him, we still make mistakes, The people who try to live their lives for Christ and still make mistakes are not the people I am talking to. This message is to call out all Christians who have not been living their lives for Christ yet continue to proclaim to the world that they are Christians.
Just going to church on Sundays doesn't mean you're living your life for Him. If your words don't glorify Him, then you're in the wrong. 'Words' mean any kind of perverse language like cursing, being rude, gossiping, or speaking inappropriately. If what you put into your body does not glorify Him, you're wrong. 'What you put in your body' includes drugs or excessive alcohol. Drinking does not make you a bad person or a bad Christian. Even Jesus drank wine from time to time, but if you drink excessively or under the legal drinking age, then you're in the wrong. Sex outside of marriage or with someone in a marriage that is not your own? Wrong. Any sin we partake in, we are considered wrong.
If you do these things, it does not make you a bad person, it simply just doesn't show Christ and as a Christian, it should be our goal people to look at us and them see Jesus in us. If you act like a Christian on Sundays but not so much Saturday night, what does that say about your walk with Christ? If nonbelievers see the 'not so Christ-like' things you do while you call yourself a Christian, why would they want to give their lives to Christ? I know that I would think that Christianity was a joke if I examined my own life from several years ago.
God doesn't call us to be perfect. He simply calls us to live our lives for Him. The most important thing is making sure your actions match your words. Especially if you put it on public display.