Today in one of my classes, my professor prompted us with the question: Are we responsible for the world we live in? I thought this was an interesting question and immediately had thoughts on the topic. In my opinion, we are responsible for the world we live in. We are responsible for being good people ourselves and for spreading good across the world.
We are always talking about making a difference in this world, yet we think that we ourselves can't make a difference because we are only one person. But the thing is, if we all so something small, it will add up to a big difference. If we think that there is something wrong with the world we live in, we need to change it. We need to take action.
Everyone is responsible for the way they themselves act. We need to be kind to one another: hold the door, do favors for each other, smile, etc. These are the smaller things that we are responsible for daily, They are things we hopefully were taught at a young age and continue to do throughout our entire lives.
But, we are responsible for more than simply being good, we are responsible for spreading good. When we see something we don't like in our world, we need to take action to change this. There are some horrible things in our world: racism, climate change, sexism, mass shootings, and millions of other problems we experience, witness, or hear about daily. These are things that we may not be able to stop, but we can take action to help prevent them and create awareness.
This is our world, and it is our responsibility to change something if we don't like it. We may not be able to control everything, but we can definitely make a difference.