I ask myself this question a lot, “Why is being conservative so radical to most people?” I find I’m afraid to tell my friends and coworkers this, and I often try to hide my political beliefs and saying “well I’m socially liberal.” The fact is, the only thing I’m socially “liberal” on is gay marriage, and as time goes on it’s not that strange to find a conservative or Republican who is pro gay marriage.
So what is it that people find so appalling about the Republican Party? I think a lot has to with the picture the mainstream media paints of Republicans.
Often times we’re depicted as racist, uptight, war mongers who cling to their guns and religion. They paint us as hillbillies or millionaires who want to take money from the poor and generally want to see the world burn. What you don’t see in the media is that we’re just like normal people, and the main difference between us and the other party are our views on economics.
What makes most conservatives conservative is their belief in capitalism. Now, I know Bernie Sanders has made capitalism seem like the vehicle of the rich, but really capitalism helps everyone. While Sanders promises free stuff with socialism and making sure everyone gets their fair share, capitalism promotes everyone working for their fair share.
Capitalism is for the every man; someone who came from nothing and is able to build their own fortune over the span of a few years. Becoming a millionaire under capitalism doesn’t require a degree from a fancy college but requires passion and dedication to succeed.
Hopefully the idea of capitalism hasn’t horrified you (since this type of economy is what the “American Dream” is reliant on). So if it hasn’t, why are conservatives viewed so negatively still?
Now, social issues are the main source of stigma for the Republican Party. Like I said earlier, we are often told we are racist. Donald Trump hasn’t helped our cause at all, and in fact, he only enforces the stereotype of a Republican. But he does not speak for most Republicans.
Interestingly enough, Abraham Lincoln, a Republican president, was actually the one to rid our nation of slavery. Even when it comes to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 80 percent of House Republicans voted in favor of the act while only 63 percent of Democrats did. Similarly in the Senate 82 percent of Republicans were in favor and only 69 percent of Democrats were. While in both cases a majority of each party was in favor, Republicans were still the ones to fight to end the Democrat led filibuster. With this history in the party, it’s obvious the mainstream media has twisted the narrative to place the blame for oppression of minorities onto either the Republicans or other entities.
Now, I have to admit that Republicans were not in favor of gay marriage. But many were not in favor of the federal government mandating it, instead they believed states should vote on social matters such as this by themselves and let the people decide. They support following the constitution and remaining a nation of we the people.
I can see why members of the LGBT community feel personally attacked by Republicans, and there are some congressional leaders who do hide behind their religion on this matter, but I also feel there are many more Republican citizens who feel that people can marry whomever they want, so long as they are not personally forced to participate (by baking a cake for example).
I don’t see myself or other Republicans as evil, and I do believe the platform of the party is well intended to help everyone. The problem is the mainstream media’s bashing of the political party and their habit of misconstruing every action taken by political leaders. I also don’t think Donald Trump is an accurate depiction of the party, and his supporters don’t agree with everything he says. They just want a president that can help grow the economy that has been stifled by eight years of Democratic economic policies.
If you’re someone who is turned off by Republicans because of your preconceived notions, I urge you to recognize the person before their political stances. You should also be skeptical of the things you hear in the mainstream media because everyone has a political agenda they’re trying to push.
Maybe if we stop the bashing of political parties and instead focus on the issues, Republicans and Democrats could get along and make improvements to our country, instead of ending every day in a stalemate.