Maybe I'm being optimistic when I hope that the United States isn't going to come crashing down with this next election because every single candidate is sketchy in some regards. Right now with Trump being the official Republican candidate and Hillary being the likely Democrat candidate, it is like trying to pick the lesser of two evils.
Don't get me wrong, I know I'm liberal and more progressive so I know my views don't really line up with Trump and I'm going to see more wrong with his campaign than not. I've noticed some things where I don't immediately frown or give side eyes. While I am more liberal, Hillary I give quite a few side-eyes to and am skeptical of her entire campaign. Her running mate doesn’t really bother me.
This really does feel like in January the USA is going to come down in flames. Each candidate is sketchy. And things have and are continually getting more violent. Everyone is flailing around for some possible helping hand that is going to save us from this inevitable destruction.
People are yelling vote independent. This isn’t the place to start bringing in an independent candidate when need to start lower with our elected state officials. That’s how we plant the seed. We don’t start with the biggest election we have. The two-party system is ingrained in our heads. We need baby steps.
Maybe I’m hoping for society to come together and find some other solution than picking something from this mess. I know it probably won’t. The next four years might be everyone in this big pit of hell. Or maybe just maybe these candidates will NOT keep their promises and won’t stick to their stance once they are elected. Hopefully someone will make a complete 360.
I feel like this country is heading towards a major depressive era again due to our unwise choices. I don’t want us to. I want us to flourish. I want good change and people I can trust. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. No one deserves to feel like things are hopeless or want to leave the country. We should promote growth and evolution not close mindedness and a wall.