"Hey, girl we should totally meet up!" You know the phrase. The "I know we are not going to hang out but what else do you say when you see an old friend at your local ice cream joint?" phrase. We have all been there. It's awkward, both people already know what is happening, kind of situation. You just aren't friends anymore, and that's okay.
Life happens. Seasons change. And yet, we always find a way to survive. People are made and meant to come and go. Who you were best friends with in high school may not be equipped to get you through what the Lord knows you will experience in college and that's okay. I am here to tell ya, honey, it is normal, It is healthy, and It is bound to happen. Every transition, heartbreak, and every year is a season in your life.
People are perfectly, and even divinely, placed in your life for whatever season you are going through at that moment. Once you make it through one season, just prepare yourself, because you are going to begin another one right after. There inevitably will be relationships that you leave behind, but the good news is, a fresh start always comes with fresh faces.
I'm here to affirm that the feeling of exhaustion and frustration you have after trying to explain everything that has transpired since you last talked to your old pal is normal. They got you through elementary school lunchroom drama, green eyeshadow and braces in middle school, and first kisses and the "cool crowd" in high school.
You respect them and value who they are, but life has moved on, and that's okay. You see all of the pictures of their new friends on Insta and you realize that they are blossoming into the person they need to be too. That is how life is supposed to be. Everyone will turn out the way God has intended so appreciate them, value them, love them, but don't feel like you have to call them every day.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, your life is a book, you will have friends that come and go throughout the chapters, but man do they get the plot rolling. It will also have that one or two amazing, superstar, friends that are the main characters (CHERISH THESE PEOPLE).
It is not a coincidence when you suddenly and unexpectedly found a friend that knows exactly what you are going through. Let me say it louder for the people in the back, IT'S NOT A COINCIDENCE. The very best kind of friends are the ones unexpected and perfectly timed. Appreciate each person that gets written in your book, you never know how long they are meant to stay.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens."