Our world, our society has taken a drastic turn for the worst. Americans have become a pre-packaged kind of people. Pre-packaged as if we were all machines, following the same routine day in and day out. Humans have lost the spontaneity. There is no randomness anymore, everyone has a schedule and believe they must stay with it. In my personal life, I do have a routine. I get up and go to school like everyone else. However, I always have a random get away. I love just jumping in the car and driving to some place that I randomly chosen by closing my eyes and pointing to a map. Most people though, don’t have the ability to. Why? I feel like most of this halt in humans natural state is due to technology. Humans are obsessed with it. It’s all about the fastest smartest technology but these machines are a part of our daily lives, taking away our humanity one app at a time. Humans rely on this technology so much because humans have become so scripted. They have forgotten how to use a paper map, instead they let google maps and siri tell them the route. In a song “Machines” by Modestep he says, “Daily, we see machines repeat the same thing, but we are just the same without the safety. Just a complicated routine, a smokescreen.” This song is one of my favorites because the lyrics are so true. We love the safety of our comfort circle and a good routine. But that routine is what makes us just like the machines we use. I will admit, I like sticking to a routine but I have to be able to have the freedom to take a random road trip runaway, or do something complete opposite that day. Human’s lives revolve around technology and this is making humans machine like. To get spontaneity and a non-scripted life back, humans need to stop, take a break and put the technology down. Go out explore nature again. Get lost taking a road trip to nowhere. Stop the social media! Stop comparing your life to other peoples appeared life through their social media! Get out and enjoy the world as it is while we still have it! Social media causes so many unnecessary problems, stress, and drama that we shouldn’t have to add onto our lives. A challenge for you as a reader. Leave your phone at home one day, for a whole day. At the end of the day if you feel better then great! If you stressed about not having your phone, maybe you should look at the reasons why, and really ask yourself, is the things you’re stressing about really worth it? Technology has definitely advanced us as a species, but it has also inhibited our true nature. While it is good, it can be evil. It all depends on the user. Are you going to be shackled by your phone, tablet, or laptop; or are you going to choose to not let it control you. A step back from technology can’t hurt.
Health and WellnessNov 10, 2016
Are Machines Corrupting Us?
How far has technology really hurt us?