Dreams are reality...
Reality is life...or so they say.
It’s like a nightmare but different,
It is real...there is no waking up.
Seeing the dead could be a dream...
But hearing them is a nightmare.
Dreams could be the reason as to why you die..
One day you're breathing the next you're not....
It’s like seeing a tree talk and tell you that you're next in line.
It’s like seeing the Grim Reaper face to face.
You fall into a different world while you're under.
You're falling deeper and deeper but no one hears your screaming.
It’s when you don’t know what’s real anymore.
You begin to question your own existence.
Is what I’m seeing real or is it fake?
Who is this person I see as I look into the mirror?
They could become true that next day when you wake up….
If this is even really a dream that is...
You say it’s just a dream but is it really???
Or is it the reality we are just afraid to face?
Reality is harder to face than dreams are….
In dreams all you have to do is pinch yourself and you're awake again....
With reality you’re always awake and can’t replay anything it just sits there.
Reality eats at your heart and soul, replaying painful memories.
Reality, Love, Trust, could be dreams...
What if our dreams were real but, what we thought was reality was actually just a dream...
If reality was just a dream then where have we been this whole time.
Is this body I’m in...even my body?
Why is it hard to face reality the way it is??
Why can’t I make this painful memory disappear?
All these painful memories replay in my dreams and I don’t have a clue as to why..
How can I forget them..why does reality mix with my dreams?
It’s like it wants me to fall for you all over again…
But it is impossible for me to do that...
Is it you that I see in my dreams whenever I fall Asleep or a demon?..?
If it is really you can I just stay in my dreamland?
The safest place would be with you in my reality instead of my dreamland...
Where your arms could be my protection.
Where you just hold me tight and never let go.
When I was cold you were the warmth.
It’s like I could never forget about you even when I’m asleep.
You’re always on my mind and I don’t know whether or not to hate it or love it.
Is it cruel just to keep you in my dreams?
Wouldn’t that make you my prisoner though?
You're my reality and my dream...
Is there even a difference between the two?
Why is it that in my nightmares you're the protector?
I can fight my own battles, but when you're around I become weak.
Reality, and nightmares are the same in so many ways….
Either way I’m left hurt and crying.
It’s like the paranormal is real and everywhere...
What if I’m really a spirit trapped in this world known as reality?
I’m the one hiding in the shadows and terrified of what happens next.
When will this nightmare end?
Dreams become reality easily...