The availability of dating apps, like Tinder, allow casual dating to become more common. Two right swipes and now we are connected to another person talking about when to chill.
Dating is effortless these days.
A date might consist of continuously watching Netflix until one person makes a move, and now you're involved in the unfulfilling hookup culture.
The "date" led to more and now you'll probably never hear from this person again.
Feeling empty from these endless hookups is part of the problem for people emotionally. They might feel unimportant in the world of relationships.
Dating apps lead to a culture that allows every potential partner to be seen as an option.
This leads to the mindset that there's always a better partner and makes it a struggle to find anything serious. Why would a guy settle down for one girl, when he could be seeing new and better ones every day?
Moving from partner to partner is the norm for many young people.
Not settling down makes sense if you haven't found the right person, but it's hard to recognize the right person when you have the mindset that there's always better.
We don't value our partners anymore. Everything they do we compare to others. The endless posts on social media where women boast about their perfect boyfriends can make a girl feel envious.
You see she got flowers from her amazing and sweet boyfriend and now you wonder why yours doesn't bring you flowers. Your boyfriend could be better and now you're comparing him to every other guy. When we decide to stop comparing we can see how great our partner is.
There's no way to fix this problem completely.
Maybe we can start by deleting all of those dating apps off our phones. We can be social in real life again, connecting with people in person and not on a screen.
We can put effort back into the dating world, your Netflix and chill session won't do anymore. We can value ourselves and know we are more than just an option.