Freshman year of high school you just plan and plan for the next chapter. College. Freshman year of college you plan and plan for your career. That's a lot of pressure for an 18-year-old. At 18 years old, you are fresh out of high school and you're just supposed to know what your next move is. Why do high schools and colleges put so much pressure on students to get their life all figured out?
Counselors tell you it's okay to go into college undeclared, the truth is it's not because then you have your advisor asking you a million questions to find your path. I personally chose something that I see myself doing, but then I found out I have to take all these classes and apply to the program. Now I face the self-doubt. I wonder if I'm making the right choice. I wonder if I'm just wasting money.
I feel forced to make a decision and to be completely honest, I don't know if I want anymore. I feel forced by society that I'm supposed to go right from high school to college and graduate in 4 years. That is what I was told all through high school, but I can't say that I want that. I don't know what I want because the other day I said I wanted to be a teacher, then the next day I wanted to be a NASCAR driver. Two completely different things. The world is filled with opportunities, fear and self doubt make us stick to what is safe.
I don't think I'm supposed to have it together, society puts the pressure on students to make decisions. What is the point though? I'm supposed to pick something to do the rest of my life. It's scary because I have to look so far ahead, people change and the things I want now I might not want next year.
College is making me rethink everything I was ever taught. I don't have my life together and I don't think I should. I'm asking questions that no professor can answer. I'm asking questions only I can answer by just living life.