People ask this simple and common question everyday: are tattoos a bad thing if you're a Christian? And yes, it's such a cliche topic to bring up, but especially for Christians like me, I'm tired of hearing the cliche answers.
If you're like me, someone who has a tattoo, you'd answer no. For the longest time growing up, I always believed that tattoos were "hideous" or "bad" and you shouldn't get them. It wasn't until a little over a year ago I actually started to consider getting a tattoo myself. My opinions of tattoos changed over the years when I started surrounding myself with my current (and awesome) group of friends. They all either have tattoos or want tattoos. And when I use the term "tattoo" I'm not referring to a sleeve or anything, but rather just a simple tattoo or a small-worded tattoo. But here's where the criticism of tattoos comes into play. I'm a Christian and so are my friends - with and without the tattoos.
For the many people who are against tattoos or may be atheist or whatever, often they will quote the verse Leviticus 19:28, which says "Do not cut your bodies for the dead, and do not mark your skin with tattoos. I am the Lord." (NLT). To be quite honest, I'm tired of having this verse thrown at me and other Christians with tattoos as well.
What people fail to realize is the context of this verse. Leviticus is a book of laws which were written for God's people in that time. These laws were, especially Leviticus 19:28, to ensure the people that GOD Himself was the sole One they were to worship. By cutting their bodies for the dead or doing whatever else, that was considered worshipping another idle or person. God's intention was to assure His people that He was the only One for them because He loved them.
And for those of you who still aren't convinced yet, take a look at another verse in Leviticus. Leviticus 11:7-8 says "And do not eat the pig. For it has feet that are hard and divided but it does not chew its food again. It is unclean to you. Do not eat their flesh or touch their dead bodies. They are unclean to you." (NLT). If we were to follow this law, we wouldn't be allowed to eat pork or bacon. But we do, and that's just fine. The times that this law was created was a time that lacked the technology and health conditions we have today and God knew this could make His people sick.
Here's where I'm getting to my point. I have a tattoo. I love my tattoo. It's a tiny wave on my right wrist that represents Isaiah 43:2, which says "When you go through deep waters, I will be with you." I won't go into much detail, but my high school years were pretty rough. I went through a lot, including some self harm. I've overcome those things, and that verse in particular was what I held onto to remember that My God has my back even when I feel like I'm sinking in struggles. I'm hoping that one day, someone lost will ask me what my tattoo is and the representation of it, because maybe that will get a conversation going that could lead them to Christ.
So here's the ultimate point: Tattoos aren't horrible. Even for Christians. And I could use my tattoo someday to introduce someone to Christ. So get a tattoo, you Jesus lovers.