Why do cat people think cats are the cat's meow? Here are five debunked myths about cat people.Hear it from the cat lady herself, me.I won't lie readers. Cat people are crazy about their cats. You know who you are. You snapchat pictures of your cats to your friends, you post pictures of your cats almost everyday, and you even put sweaters on your cats! How do I know? I am one. We're always on Pinterest trying to find new ideas to pimp out our cats' litter boxes, but with any awesome group of people, we have a reputation. Of course, they're not true, but here's five of my favorite myths that are absolutely ridiculous.
Myth #1: Cat people don't like other people It's not that we don't like other people. We like people, but they get on our nerves most of the time. I'm not the kind of girl who goes out every Saturday night, but once the weather gets warmer, you'll see me and my sisters at Stars and Stripes, cat-free.
Myth #2: Cats own their humansWhere we pay the bills and buy the cat food, an outsider may think that our cats own us. We do everything for our cats but what do we get in return? Whenever we have a bad day and all we do is want to crawl under the covers, our cats can't bring us Blue Bell's Moo-Lennium Crunch. But they'll be there to snuggle with you while you cry about that grade you got on your English Exam.
Myth #3: Cat owners are old spinstersWell for one thing, nobody uses the word spinster here in 2014. And second of all, there are a ton of girls in their late teens/early twenties who own cats. I got my first two when I was a junior in high school and now I have four (Of course they live at home with my parents, but I'm bringing up my girl cats once I get an apartment.) wonderful cats! And one of my sisters has a beautiful cat that she (and the rest of our sorority) adore! Also, the definition of a spinster is one who spins rough wool into yarn. With the limited time we have as Greeks, I don't think we'll be hanging out at the livestock arena collecting wool anytime soon.
Myth #4: People who own cats have smelly housesI may not be the neatest of people, but I hate the smell of cat pee. Every reasonable cat person knows that when the cat box is dirty, the cats won't go in the cat box. Kind of like when you go to the bathroom on the first floor of the library. You have to go really bad, but you sure don't want to go in there. That's how our cats feel, so we are obsessed with keeping our cats bathroom area clean and tidy.
Myth #5: Cat people are not as friendly as dog peopleDon't get me wrong, I love dogs! They're great company when you want to go camping and you meet so many new people when you're out at the dog park. People assume that cat people are like their pets; snotty, mean, and independent. But truth be told, cats are pretty insecure creatures and you just have to get to know them first. Take my two boy cats, Chandler and Joey (Yes, they're named after Friends characters): Joey is totally confident and loves people! Chandler; not so much. But once you get to know Chandler, he'll be weaving in-between your legs, waiting for you to pet him. Cat people just need some time to get to know you too.
So cat people aren't that bad. They're just horribly misunderstood. Yes, we'll show you pictures of our cats in their Christmas Sweaters or playing with a hair tie, but we know you do the same thing with your dogs (Yes Frat Guys. I'm looking at you). We won't bring our cats to the next Philanthropy Event, but we'll definitely have stories to tell you.To see more of my cat lady-ness, follow me on Instagram, @thesomewhatcrazycatlady