ARC Troopers VS. Republic Commandos
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ARC Troopers VS. Republic Commandos

Which will you decide on?

ARC Troopers VS. Republic Commandos

The Grand Army of the Republic would have had a much harder time fighting the Separatists’ droid army if not for these two very well-known special operations forces.

But which one might be better in a firefight?

The truth is, there is no definitive answer, as there have been no official reports of these two forces going head to head. However, the Star Wars universe has built these clones up to be even more bada** than the efficient front line forces of the Old Republic.

Let’s dive right in…

Advanced Reconnaissance Commandos (ARC Troopers)

Say hello to the force multipliers of the Clone Army. Personally trained by Jango Fett himself, the ARC Troopers were specifically bred and trained to be the best soldiers in the Clone Army and even the entire galaxy. Though few in number, they were routinely dispatched on missions that no other unit could complete. While a number of assignments have seen as many as six to twenty troopers in action, some assignments specify the deployment of single-man or two-man fire teams...

Because let’s face it – one ARC trooper is often more than enough to get the job done.

In addition, the ARC’s were intentionally produced with their independent thought process intact, making them much more creative in combat and resulting in multiple personalities among their ranks.

A number of victories can be credited to the efforts of the ARC Troopers, most notably the Republic victory of the Battle of Muunilinst. Destroying an AAT droid hover tank and a heavy artillery cannon, the ARC Troopers assisted in the capture of the leaders of the Banking Clan backing the Separatists. This same detachment of ARC Troopers traveled to the planet Hypori in the nick of time to save stranded Jedi generals from the clutches of General Grievous.

Republic Commandos

If the ARC Troopers could be considered to be the equivalent to the US Marine Force Recon, these guys would be Delta Force. They are always deployed in four-man squads for the sake of their signature prowess in covert operations, including sabotage, assassination, and infiltration. Unlike the ARC’s, which often operated independently, the commandos were trained to act as a team unit, even though they have been proven to be perfectly capable of holding their own in combat.

Commandos have seen combat in some of the most crucial battles of the Clone Wars, contrary to popular belief (and just as they intended). The Commando Group’s most qualified squad, Delta Squad, made Republic victories that much easier due to their efforts. Delta managed to locate and assassinate a Geonosian commander, Sun Fac, in the chaos of the First Battle of Geonosis. They were also responsible for retaking the RAS Prosecutor from Separatist hands, with no support onboard the ship. And finally, their infiltration into the village of Kachirho led to the invasion and liberation of the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk.

Both the ARC Troopers and Republic Commandos have done more than enough to secure their place as the elite fighting forces of the Grand Army of the Republic. Both units have their strengths meant to guarantee their efficiency in the tasks they were designed to do. Whichever you would prefer to have by your side, you would have a tough time being proven to have made a universally wrong choice. Both forces will serve you well, given the opportunity.

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