I wrote this poem a long time ago when I was in about 4th grade. When I wrote it, spiders were one of the main things that I was afraid of. While I'm still not quite over my fear of the creepy crawlies, I don't find them to be anywhere near as bad as I remember from my childhood.
Those creepy things crawl around.
One is always within 3 feet of you.
Some are tiny,
Some are huge,
All eight-legged,
All super scary,
I hate them so much.
Some are poisonous,
Some are not,
Some aren't even arachnids:
Tarantulas, Daddy Longlegs, Black Widows.
Beasts that hide in webs,
All over the world.
They terrify me wherever I go.
Sure they eat annoying bugs,
But they also kill humans,
How can you argue with that?
They are scary,
They are mean,
I hate them,
And those stupid spiders scare me to death.