If April showers bring May flowers, let's hope that April snow showers do the same. For those of us in the North and Midwest, spring has peeked its head out a few times in the past couple months, but it seems to be feeling a little shy this year. So as the month of May draws near, all we can do is hope all those tulips will finally emerge from their cozy green leaves and stick around for us to enjoy. In honor of warmer weather on the horizon, boosted moods and the long-awaited arrival of May flowers comes this bucket list to celebrate the fresh, new month of May.
1. Listen to the Happy Folk playlist on Spotify to celebrate being able to sit in the sun and smell the roses.
What is it about the warm weather that just makes everything better?
2. Visit a farmer's market.
Green grass, picnic blanket, picnic basket and food.
3. Have a picnic.
With your newly purchased farmer's market food, of course!
4. Eat fresh fruits and veggies.
You've probably got that covered if you followed steps 2 & 3.
5. Go for a walk, jog or run.
Save the treadmill for rainy days and get a breath of fresh air.
6. Plant a flower or a tree.
Contribute all that springtime beauty!
7. Create a summer bucket list.
It will be here before you know it:)
8. Read a book outside.
If you haven't caught on, go outside.
9. Take a picture of a different flower every day...
Everywhere you go, look for a different type.
10. ...or take a picture of the same flower every day.
Watch its progression!