There are a lot of apps out there. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram are among the classics. But there are also apps available that need less of your eyes and more of your hears. Check out the following apps if you're looking for a listen:
1. Podcast
I didn’t frequent myself on podcasts until very lately and surprisingly, it is one of the best habits I have developed in years. I started with this amazing podcast series by Robin Sharma called The Robin Sharma Mastery Sessions. There’s so much punch and kick in the podcast that it communicates with your brain almost instantly and lifts you up. And I am sure many of you who listen to his podcast will agree with me.
2. Scribd
And have you ever listened to an audiobook? The first one I listened to was a novel called The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard on Scribd. Scribd has a number of audiobooks to choose from apart from those that can only be read. Another app similar to Scribd but with audiobooks only is Amazon’s Audible.
3. Pocket
I reckon even Pocket allows dictation just like the speech option in Apple. If you don’t feel like reading an article you can instead listen to its narration by a computerized voice.
4. Headspace
This app is a miracle in the way it makes meditative relaxation so easy and effortless. I love it’s instructor and founder Andy Puddicombe’s voice which has an unflustered pace and vivacious timbre. Listen only for 10 minutes and you are done for the day!