According to, 73 percent of teens have access to smartphones. The truth of the matter is that in today's society almost all teenagers have access to some sort of phone applications. Both Apple and Android have created and sold thousands upon thousands of apps that help with managing time and money and help students stay fit. So quit spending hours upon hours taking pictures of your cereal bowl, tweeting about "The Bachelor" and excessively using the puppy-dog filter on Snapchat and let’s discover five types of apps that will help you stay focused, fit and fiscally above average.
1. Social
2. Fitness/Health
If you are trying to avoid your freshman fifteen or maybe even your sophomore sixty, I highly recommend downloading MyFitnessPal and Plant Nanny. MyFitnessPal is an app that allows the user to log their food intake and exercise and track your progress to reach your goals. Plant Nanny is an interactive app that tracks your water intake by showing you watering a plant as you drink water. These apps will help you become more aware of the calories and water you are consuming in hopes to drive you to a healthy, active lifestyle.
3. Banking
The number one complaint I hear from students is that they are always broke and 99 percent of the time they have no clue how much money is in their bank accounts. I believe it is necessary to have some sort of banking app on your phone. A highly recommended banking and finance app is called Mint. Mint brags in their ads that they will “manage your money, pay your bills and track your credit score” all in a personalized, easy, user-friendly way. You also should check with your bank to see if they have an app or website where you can do online banking.
4. Organization
If I have learned anything in school it is that organization is key to staying stress-free and staying on top of tasks. As a blogger, full-time student, part-time employee and avid volunteer, organization has been essential for staying on task. Google has so many amazing apps that I can’t even begin to explain how awesome they are. Some of my favorite Google apps are Google Docs, Google Drive and Google Calendar. These interface with your email and will help you stay on task and will allow you to access them on any device. is another amazing app that lists your tasks for that day. This is a great replacement for the bulk scheduler or agenda you’ve been carrying around for years.