Labor Day has come and gone which means spooky season is officially on its way. The temperature is changing, the leaves are falling, and the countdown to find the best Halloween costume is officially on. While it might be tempting to go for the ever so classy and not at all overdone sexy nurse or smokin' firefighter costume, we've got to move on. It's 2018. The sexy nurse has overstayed it's welcome in the Halloween costume repertoire. For all of you that are having trouble parting with these costume ideas, here are a few alternatives.
1. Instead of sexy nurse, try being a regular nurse.
Listen, nurses work really hard. Too hard for you to be patronizing them by wearing a slutty nurse costume. So track down some scrubs, a stethoscope, and maybe one of those pens that looks like a syringe if you really want to scare some needle-phobes and you're all set to go.
2. Or as another sexy nurse alternative, dress up as a medieval plague doctor.
Some general concept of a nurse, but a lot more interesting from a historical standpoint. Bonus points if you carry around a stuffed rat.
3. Instead of a sexy schoolgirl, try being sexy Ben Franklin
Give this year's costume a little historical spin by portraying everyone's favorite non-presidential founding father. One thing's for sure, you won't have to worry about anyone wearing the same costume as you. If you'd like a fun little prop, carry a kite with a key tied to it.
4. Instead of dressing up as a sexy cop, dress up like a real cop.
Warning: Impersonating a cop is a legitimate crime, but it might be a little bit fun to scare the crap out of people at parties and fooling them into thinking their festivities have been infiltrated by the cops. Secondary warning: You'll also probably get kicked out of the party.
5. Instead of dressing up like a sexy anything, dress up like feminist.
If anyone asks you what you're costume is or why you didn't decide to go as a sexy nurse, explain that many women's costumes are hypersexualized which can demean women. Okay, you don't have to go this far, but don't feel pressured to dress up in a sexy or "slutty" costume if it's not comfortable for you.
So whether you decide to be a slutty nurse or take one of my ideas, make sure to have a fun and safe Halloween season and dress up as whatever you want to be.