I realize as we grow up and meet new people we will not keep all of our friends. We’re not supposed to. Losing people is a part of growing up, it’s a part of life. And honestly if everyone we ever met stuck around, would that be absolutely miserable.
When someone does you wrong in life, in any way shape or form, whoever hurt you or whatever they did does not matter. The people that take care of you, and tell you that you’re better than the situation, they’re what matters. However, you’re hurt is sad and maybe not deserved but the best thing that comes out of a sad situation is all the love people give you to piece you back together again just because they love you so much that they’d rather see you happy.
The people who make it through the ups, downs, and changes of life and stick by you and love you in old and new, those are the only ones that really matter.
The people you’ve known for years and that at the end of the day have always been and always will be your first call with good and bad news are the people that you’ll remember as a grandmother fifty years from now. But you know who you won’t remember? You won’t remember the people that hurt you. You won’t remember that girl that gave you looks like she was too good to be friends with you, and you won’t remember the kids that called you names, or the teacher that didn’t think you were smart enough, and you won’t remember the boy that broke your heart from high school.
You remember the people that pick you up after you’ve been dropped down. You remember the one’s that say ‘I’ll cheer you up’ not ‘I’ll make it up to you’. You remember the ones that take your phone call and not give you an excuse as to why you couldn't, you remember the people that keep their promises and mean what they say. Because everyone isn't meant to stay. People are mean and people break your hearts because they’re not supposed to be your end game loves. They’re not supposed to be your lifelong best friend and they prove it to you when they hurt you.
We have friends in our lives that have never left us and one day there will be a boyfriend that never will. One day you’ll never feel heartbroken, or used or neglected- one day we will be surrounded by only people that we mean something to, and how beautiful is that thought? But until then, you’ve gotta keep brushing off the dirt to get to the diamonds.